15012 St. Patrick Road, Woodstock, IL 60098

15012 St. Patrick Road, Woodstock, IL 60098


On behalf of the parishioners and staff of St. Patrick Parish in Hartland, I welcome you to our community.

Whether clergy or laity, we strive at St. Patrick Parish to live out Christ’s call to holiness, to take up our crosses daily and follow him (Lk 9:23). Our mission is none other than that given to us by Christ himself: to offer our very selves to him in thanksgiving; to announce his gospel to the entire world; and to serve him and others according to his teaching.

Christ asks much of us, but we are not deterred. Through Sacred Scripture, the sacraments—most especially the Holy Eucharist—service, and prayer, we receive the strength of Christ’s Spirit to live out our call. We walk confidently the path, guided by the Church’s Magisterium, with our eyes fixed on the goal that lies ahead: life with Christ forever.

Therefore, as you join our community, we hope that you find this parish a safe haven to live out your vocation, as well. Let us work out our salvation together “with fear and trembling,” (Phil 2:12) offering mutual support to each other, so that we all may sing God’s praises forever in heaven.

May our Lord, through the intercession of his blessed Mother and our patron St. Patrick, bless you abundantly in all things.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr. Burt Absolon. Pastor

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